“Am I crazy? I can’t come up with words.”

“Am I crazy? I can’t come up with the words to tell what happened.”

This is a question that I am asked on a regular basis by clients who have experienced trauma. My answer is always the same.

“No. Actually, your brain is doing exactly what it was made to do.” Let me explain.

When someone has experienced childhood trauma such as sexual, emotional, physical or spiritual abuse or has gone through a traumatic event such as a car accident, house fire, hurricane, or other life threatening event, then coming up with the words to talk about it, can be difficult.

The limbic system is an emergency alert system, if you will. When we are in a situation that is terrifying the limbic system takes over to protect us from what may be overwhelming. When the alarm goes off, blood is sent to the arms and legs so that running or fighting will be optimal, breath becomes shallow, the heart beats faster and digestion is stopped. Now you know why you may feel sick when something traumatic occurs.

But that’s not all. In the brain the limbic system takes some areas, “off line”. That’s the term that neuroscientists use. When this happens higher level thinking is turned off, as well as the left hemisphere.

It is the left hemisphere which is responsible for language or coming up with words, as well as keeping things in chronological or time order.

Now you can see why words will be difficult to come up with in a scary situation. But that doesn’t explain why it happens after the fact, or does it?

When you begin to review the traumatic event it is common for the brain to begin this process, which will keep you from coming up with the words that you need to tell what was happening.

If this is happening to you, looking for a therapist or coach who understands trauma or is “trauma informed” will be the best way to find the help that you need.

Feel free to call me to see if I can help. (302) 270-8503.

Melodi Kitzmiller

Christian mental health coaching, and teaching how to live well after experiencing traumatic events, which may include suffering from anxiety, post-trauma symptoms, and depression, and aren’t sure where to go from here. Melodi holds a master of arts in trauma and crisis counseling and works from a Christian worldview. She has helped adults who have suffered traumatic childhoods, spiritual abuse, childhood sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, and those who are simply searching to find the fulfillment that a life of well-being can bring.


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