Rebuilding Your Life After Loss: You are Enough

Does the statement, “You are enough,” make you bristle?

It used to make me cringe because after all, I am a Christian, so it’s not about me being enough, it’s about Jesus being enough. While I am not refuting in any way that I need Jesus because I am not enough to save myself, I also must acknowledge that Psalm 139:16-17 tells of God being there when we were formed in our mother’s womb.

It goes on to say that during that time while He was watching us be formed, He had plans and thoughts for us.

We say that God is omniscient, which means He knows everything,
and that He is omnipresent, which means that He is not bound by time.
He knows what will happen to us throughout our lives.
He knew in that moment all of the harm and hurt that would come to you and me.

Sometimes, I believe that God is like me in His creativity. I don’t mean to believe this, but my actions and thoughts show that I do. Maybe it’s because when I am creating, I change and let it evolve as I go.

But God is NOT like me.

He creates KNOWING the outcome.

Jeremiah 29:11 says that He knows the plans that He has for Israel, which are plans to prosper them and give them a future. This is a beautiful passage, but have you ever read Jeremiah? In chapter 29 the country is about to be overtaken by Babylon. Most of them will become slaves of another country.

Think about this… This is before Daniel and Lion’s Den.

Daniel will essentially be made a slave in Babylon, and although, he is given much better treatment than others, he does not have the right to choose for his life. When he makes his own choice, he lands in the lion’s den.

When we have endured a loss like losing a spouse, dear friend, child, marriag or being subjected to traumatic abuse in childhood, we are suffering similarly to Israel in Jeremiah’s day.

We, as Christians, often say things like, “God never gives us more than we can bear.”

But when God hands us suffering, we say that we can’t do it.

I have been there.

The terror that came after my husband’s fatal auto accident was not do-able without God. While I am not suggesting that we should live one second thinking that we don’t need Him, I also know that, although I don’t feel able to endure the heavy trials which He has placed in my life, He has not given me more than I can bear.

A victim mentality is when an individual believes that he or she has no control over the outcome of their life.

While God is sovereign and He will accomplish what He chooses, we also have the ability to change our lives.

God has good plans for you.

You can choose to reach for those good plans and do what is needed to accomplish His will for you, or you can choose to sit in a state of “poor me” and have a life that is full of negativity.

He knew before you were born what the hurts would be in your life, and he created you with all of that in mind. He gave you enough to create a beautiful life no matter what the circumstances.

My late husband used to say, that I would rather live in a tent than spend more time apart from him. That was true because I knew that I could make the tent beautiful whatever the circumstance, but I couldn’t replace my time with him.

Today, you may find yourself in tent-like surroundings. Perhaps life has thrown the worst curve balls at you, and these twists and turns have left you devastated.

Don’t forget that…
you are enough
because He created you,
knowing all of the days that life would hold for you.

You can get through the grief of loss and pick up the pieces that are left to make a beautiful life.

If you are struggling to find that path, I am glad to help you. Pick up your phone and call me, now.

(302) 270-8503
for a free 30-minute consultation.

If you are willing to do the work, then you can live a beautiful life.

I know that it may not seem like it right now, but if we begin walking the path forward then, eventually we will find the beautiful clearing that has all that you need to live a life of hope, peace and create a beautiful new life.

Don’t hesitate, make that call now.

Melodi Kitzmiller

Christian mental health coaching, and teaching how to live well after experiencing traumatic events, which may include suffering from anxiety, post-trauma symptoms, and depression, and aren’t sure where to go from here. Melodi holds a master of arts in trauma and crisis counseling and works from a Christian worldview. She has helped adults who have suffered traumatic childhoods, spiritual abuse, childhood sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, and those who are simply searching to find the fulfillment that a life of well-being can bring.

Dance with Me: Learning to Follow


Journey Through Grief